WarPaint International Beauty Agency | Luxury and Excellence in Hair & Makeup Artistry

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2017 Spring and Summer Makeup Trends

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Old man winter has finally left the building (or so we hope!). It's time to step into your renewed self and change up your makeup routine. 

As I often say, trends aren't for everyone but they are definitely fun to try out. This spring and summer you will notice the common theme of minimal makeup, dewy bronzed skin, monochromatic tones, and a pop of glitter for fun. So let's dive in! But first, follow me on Facebook for my live tutorials and product reviews. 

Monochromatic Makeup Tones

It is a thing... This season, be prepared to see matchy, matchy makeup. Try matching your lipstick with your blush and even your eyes. Peachy tones are a fan favorite this year. The image below is from Allure Magazine's "30 lipstick ideas to try now" featuring these monochromatic peachy tones.

Photo: Courtesy of Pinterest / Allure

Orange Eyeshadow

Yep, I know what you're thinking... can they be serious? Before you write off orange eyeshadow completely, give it a try. The trick is to apply the shadow lightly so the color isn't super concentrated. You want it to fade out nicely up through the crease. Check out Selena Gomez in these images from InStyle magazine's article about monochromatic makeup " Selena Gomez is Making Orange Eyeshadow Happen". And she rocks it!

  • Pro Tip: use a less tacky eyeshadow primer and apply the shadow with your finger for a more effortless, organic feel.

Bronzed, Dewy Skin

Who doesn't love a beautiful glow? Nowadays it's easier than ever to achieve this look. Between a great spray tan, a good bronzer and hydrated skin you'll be looking like a beach babe in no time!

  • Pro Tip: drink lots of water, hydrate your skin (my current fav is Water Balm) and exfoliate two to three times a week.

No Makeup, Makeup

This trend is here to stay, despite the growing popularity of Instagram and Pinterest over-done images and unrealistic expectations. Us "ladies" still want to be polished but don't necessarily want to spend hours upon hours painting our faces. Grab your favorite lip balm, mascara and BB cream for a beautiful you (but better) in 10 minutes or less. You can also check out an interesting article on BB creams.

The image below from "Beauty Banter by Sarah Howard" is an excellent example of lightly magnifying ones already radiant glow. 

Brushed Up Brows

We're saying "Bye Felicia" to overdrawn, overdone "Instagram brows"! Thank God. Get the look by using a clean spoolie brush to brush your brow hairs upward. Secure the look by brushing through with a clear or colored brow gel.


Photo: Courtesy of brydie.com

Red Lips

Classic beauty. This is a trend that will simply never go out of style. Rock your red lip on your next hot date, girls night out or if you need a little "pick me up". WarPaint International often implements a bold red lip into our seasonal hair and makeup trend collections

  • Pro Tip: My personal favorite for the summer is Bloody Good from Sigma Beauty.

Glitter Lips

And finally.... That's right ladies; add a little sparkle to your routine! Whether you like a lot of sparkle or just a little shimmer, this is a trend anyone can rock for a night out - black tie gala or just because it's Tuesday. If you're feeling a little sassafrass, add some fun liner to go with it.

Photo: Courtesy of Cosmopolitan

Lastly, and perhaps my favorite thing about spring and summer makeup is that is (and should be) very minimalistic. This saves me a lot of time in the morning! I hope you have as much fun trying these trends on as I do.

Want to learn these looks on your own? Book an in-home makeup lesson with a WarPaint International artisan, we also do personal makeup shopping! Happy Spring! 

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